

ACAV proposes a new form of relationship with stakeholders, relating one to each others to develop the knowledge of their abilities and potentialities, of their history and their interdependencies. This is not only to give and receive aid, but to start a relationship and exchange between communities.

To create a development means also enable relations along with the interdependence that characterizes the world today and that is reinforced by the growth of the leading role of the territories and by the push toward subsidiarity.

Creare sviluppo vuol dire anche attivare relazioni nell’interdipendenza che caratterizza il mondo di oggi e che si rafforza grazie alla crescita del protagonismo dei territori ed alla spinta verso la sussidiarietà.


The privileged partners of ACAV are local African Administrators.


The institutional subjects – public and private – with which ACAV collaborates are:

European Union

Italian Ministery of Foreign Affairs

Trentino Alto Adige Region

Autonomous Province of Trento

Municipaity of Trento

Federazione Trentina della Cooperazione

Cassa Centrale delle Casse Rurali


ACAV was originated to be a reference point for groups, associations and individuals who wish to implement international solidarity interventions.

The first members were:

Amici dell’Uganda

Gruppo Carisolo

Gruppo di Folgaria

Gruppo di Isera


Other partner with which ACAV collaborates are:

Liceo scientifico Leonardo da Vinci Trento


Gruppo di Volontariato San Prospero

Facoltà di Ingegneria di Trento, Ingegneria Ambientale

Scuola di preparazione Sociale

Lucia Maria Melchiori – natural products from apples and artisanal microbrewery


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