The exhibition, which takes advantage of the artistic direction of Piero Cavagna and Giulio Malfer, features photographs of the communities of West Nile Ugandan taken by young people from Trentino, during a recent trip to Africa, alongside photographs taken by Ugandan students who invited AcAV to present their world with pictures and comments.

The images give us their view of reality, without the distortions that lead us travelers to seek what appears quaint, strange or evocative. Images designed for us, but caught in the flow of everyday life, full of shame and joy, life and friendship. Images that indicate a great distance in the way of life, accompanied by reflections that reveal consciousness and seriousness, attention to the problems of the community and the world, the power of hope and confidence in the future, solidarity for those who suffer and maybe give up .

It follows the invitation to a meeting with a piece of Africa, a piece of the world, where young people learn to deal with life’s challenges with courage, confidence and hope. An invitation to accept the difference, to accept it in our hearts and in our minds, why do you part and not lead us to draw boundaries and erect barricades, because it is the sign of the wealth and power of humanity and contains many dreams they want become reality.

scoiattolo_arancione  Social mobility – Economy Festival 2015

The Economics Festival in 2015 focused attention on social mobility, a topic that questions about growing social inequality determined, characterized by some main factors: the educational system, access to the labor market / occupations, the availability of capital.

Mobility, which in a context of interdependent world, can only ask ourselves and to open our eyes even to the contexts of the world developing so called, in that world where the bottom billion – to quote Paul Collier – who has not Access to any of those possibilities to ensure that there is some form of social mobility.

Africa, the continent where AcAV work, is without doubt a place, millions of people connecting, albeit in different places and situations and many times conflicting, aspirations, inequality, barriers and opportunities.

Organizations like AcAV operate to ensure that the development begins, will be strengthened and walk on its own legs, in the lower range of the population, in a few words that early mobility the social, economic, cultural. Mobility is essential also to give space to the increasingly strong demand of the new generations to join in its own right in the leadership of their own future, their own social promotion, without having to get on a “ship of hope” in the Mediterranean.

The photo exhibition, consisting of 15 modular units from outside has been designed to meet the gaze African daily life and life at school, in the community, in the things of every day. A glance composite of images taken by young Africans and young people of Trentino who have questioned the way of life, dreams, aspirations, in a confrontation that makes social mobility an opportunity for dialogue and common growth.

Discover the photo exhibition Under the Mango tree..


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